Friday, June 27, 2008

Quantity NOT Quality

Just thought I would throw up a few Friday pictures.......

Automme in Juneau

The Circostas in California

Damon...............riding a skateboard. And yes, that is a small child he has with him. I'm sure he has already received plenty of "safety" related comments on his Blog. No need to repeat them here.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

84 to 14...Game Over

Well, I was inspired, challenged, and motivated to begin blogging by my brother. As always, he challenged me, and I agreed to play. Because I consider myself a sportsman, I must concede publicly that he has won. Since March I put up a total of 14 poorly contented posts. In the same period, my brother has posted 82 well thought witty posts. Of course I could always use excuses like "he has a new baby to post about" or "he was born later thereby moreso in the age of the Internets". But I won't..I'll take the high road here. I won't go the route of some of my handball friends who find it necissary to tell me about their current injuries before and after I beat maybe I just did.

Bad commentary aside, please look at Automme's most recent work trip to Kwethluk HERE.
Man are there some cool places to see in Alaska!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Don't read this...just look at the picture.....and go....

So, this bloggy thing seems to be working for me. I can post random pictures of my family. That's just great...... So, for lack of anything interesting to say other than commenting on the interesting things my brother has to say on his blog. Damons Blog

I will just say this:

I know enough to say that I don't know enough to say much about much. I have my opinions.........but they change .......often.

I bet now you wish you just looked at the picture and surfed on........

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Death of a Website

Well, I've done it again. I've killed another website. is now deceased. I did it and I do not regret it. I'm a killer...its my nature. You may see it's ghost for a little while but it is no longer. We will be working to keep you all up to speed with all things Circostonian (I think that's my brother's phrase) via Picasso for pictures Youtube for video and this here bloggything as our main site for updates and such. I murdered before with and I will probably do it again.

An update. Oliver is now almost two. He is growing into a fine young athlete with amazing cognitave abilities. Automme is enjoying her work at the Denali Commission, biking to work often, and playing softball. I am also enjoying my work, doing some severe landscaping in our backyard, and playing handball as usual.

Otherwise, you can expect copious amounts of postings, photographs, and video. (and No this is not an invite to write me later quoting this sentence)

Also, please visit March 08, AprilMay08, and June 08 for recent pictures.

New video is also HERE and HERE

Also, you can subscribe to this Blog by clicking the "Subcribe to the bottom) or clicking HERE and don't forget to comment below.

P.S. Yes, the above picture was taken in June.....makes you wonder about global warming doesn't it?......doesnt it!? Just kidding... RECYCLE!