Automme went on another work trip to Kwethluk and took some great Pictures..
We had Oliver's Uncle Tim, Auntie Kalo, and Cousin Quin into town for a fun filled trip to Alaska. Quin got to see all of his cousins Adam and Laura and was awesome with Oliver. Oliver and Quin were best buds by the end of the trip. They also took some great Pictures.
I've completely torn up my back yard to make it more play friendly. Despite the mess we've been able to hang a swing for Oliver and have a few smores in the fire pit. We've been getting regular updates from Oliver's newest cousin Sam and "The Happenings" from North Carolina. Here are some of our pictures of June .
By the way...we actually used a Grandma and Grandpa sponsored date night to go to the theater to see "The Happening"..... worst movie ever since Tomb Raider.
We'll end this one with a new video...
how did oliver get so damn cute?
Because Theoleman [has been]LHKS emm...and will be doing the LHKS in person in about six weeks in Alaska
Way to keep your head up when you hit and wrap those arms...great job Oliveri...You're going to break all of Grandpa's unassisted tackle records...we'll work on "Interceptions" on You're birthday
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