Monday, June 23, 2008

Don't read this...just look at the picture.....and go....

So, this bloggy thing seems to be working for me. I can post random pictures of my family. That's just great...... So, for lack of anything interesting to say other than commenting on the interesting things my brother has to say on his blog. Damons Blog

I will just say this:

I know enough to say that I don't know enough to say much about much. I have my opinions.........but they change .......often.

I bet now you wish you just looked at the picture and surfed on........


Amy said...

Super cute. He looks like one smooth kiddo in this picture -- I love it!

The Media Grab said...

why do I get the sinking suspicion that sometime in the next 10 years I will hear my son say "well, oliver showed me how to"